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Tag Archives: Vermont truck accident attorney

Were You Injured in a U-Haul Accident?

U-Haul is a popular company which rents large, box-shaped trucks to the public. Often, someone renting an apartment or moving into a home rents a U-Haul to transport their possessions, such as their bed and other furniture. U-Haul has several dozen locations in Vermont. Large trucks are much more dangerous, especially for people accustomed to …

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Failure to Perform Pre-Trip Inspections Leads to Truck Accidents

Every trucker should begin a trip by performing a pre-trip inspection. Although a thorough inspection should take less than an hour—and truckers get paid for this work—many skip this critical step. As a result, people end up getting hurt when the truck malfunctions because a part is not working properly. Failure to perform a pre-trip …

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Fatal Truck Accidents and Vermont Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Whiletruck accidents are less common in Vermont than crashes involving only passenger vehicles, a truck accident is often more likely to result in the death of innocent persons. Consider that a fully loaded semi-truck can legally weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, and you realize the average car does not stand a chance in the …

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How to Avoid Tractor-Trailer Blind Spot Accidents

Tractor-trailers are imposing vehicles on the road. Many of them travel incredibly fast, and drivers feel a sense of relief when the rig finally pulls out of sight. But other trucks are going so slowly that you might be tempted to pass them. Be careful. These large commercial trucks have huge blind spots, and unsuspecting …

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What Type of Evidence Can I Use in a Vermont Truck Accident Lawsuit?

Truck accidents in Vermont can have a wide range of causes, from the truck driver’s negligence to the careless behavior of another motorist to serious issues involving the truck or the roadway. When a truck accident occurs, it can result in severe and deadly injuries, especially when occupants of smaller motor vehicles are involved in …

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Who is At Fault for a Truck Underride Accident?

An underride crash is one of the worst accidents out on the road. Because semi-truck trailers sit 41 inches above the road, there is enough room for a car to slide underneath and get wedged there. In the process, occupants can suffer serious injuries, including head or facial wounds and neck injuries. At Larson & …

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The Rising Threat of Truck Driver Fatigue on the Road

Large commercial vehicles are so big and heavy that they cause horrifying damage when they collide with passenger vehicles in Rutland or surrounding areas. To prevent these accidents, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) was created to devise regulations to protect the public. Unfortunately, fatigued driving is still a serious problem. Too many truckers …

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Call Our Rutland, VT Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you’ve been seriously injured, our Rutland, VT personal injury law firm is here to provide you support, guidance, and representation as you seek damages. Please call us today for a free consultation. We can begin working on your case immediately.

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