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Category Archives: Workers Comp Cases

Can Teachers Receive Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Teachers have some of the most important jobs in Vermont, shaping the minds of future generations and hopefully instilling a love of learning. Teaching is certainly not without challenges, with long hours and inadequate pay being the most obvious. Although we don’t think of teaching as particularly dangerous, the reality is that countless teachers miss …

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What is Mediation of a Vermont Workers’ Compensation Claim?

In the ideal world, injured workers would quickly receive workers’ compensation benefits to help them pay for medical care and other expenses when they cannot work. They would also continue to receive benefits for as long as necessary, without any pressure to get back to work despite their pain. Unfortunately, the state of Vermont is …

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Witnesses for a Workers’ Compensation Case

Workers’ compensation cases often hinge on witness testimony. On the one hand, you were an obvious witness to your own accident and can testify about what happened and how you were injured. But your own testimony might not be enough sometimes. The insurance carrier might believe you injured yourself or were engaging in horseplay when …

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Heat Related Workplace Injuries

Vermonters are lucky that our summers are not as muggy as those in Florida or Louisiana. Nonetheless, temperatures can reach into the 90s, and the temperature inside businesses and factories can climb even higher. Workers must take care of themselves so that they do not suffer heat exhaustion, heat stroke, or other heat-related injuries. Larson …

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Can I Choose My Own Workers’ Comp Doctor?

It makes sense that any time you are injured or sick, you have the right to go see your own personal doctor. Unfortunately, after sustaining an injury or occupational illness at work, some employers will tell you that is not the case. Many employers will tell you that you must see a doctor of their …

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When To Get a Lawyer for Workers Compensation

If you’re injured on the job, there are several things you need to do to protect your right to compensation. Immediately after an injury in the workplace, you should seek medical attention for your injury, report the damage to your employer as soon as possible, and consider hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer to protect your …

Workers’ Compensation Settlement Process

Settlement is one of the least understood aspects of workers’ compensation. In the typical case, an injured worker receives medical care for weeks or months and eventually gets back to work once they have recovered. While on benefits, they receive medical care for free and temporary disability benefits. In some situations, however, a workers’ compensation …

Can I Get Fired Because of a Work Related Injury in Vermont?

The short answer is yes (sort of). How come? Because there is nothing in workers compensation law, which requires an employer to keep on an employee who cannot do the job because of a work-related injury, even if that injury was caused by work. So if your employer lets you go because you cannot work, …

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Case Study: When Workers Comp Insurance Stops Paying for Medical Care

Souligny v. PB&J, Inc – State of Vermont In many workers’ compensation cases, chiropractic treatment is recommended. Because of the nature of chiropractic care, however, workers comp insurance companies can try to get out of covering the costs of the treatment, particularly after several years have gone by. This issue was addressed in a recent …

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Call Our Rutland, VT Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you’ve been seriously injured, our Rutland, VT personal injury law firm is here to provide you support, guidance, and representation as you seek damages. Please call us today for a free consultation. We can begin working on your case immediately.

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