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Category Archives: Personal Injury

What is a Demand Letter in a Personal Injury Claim in Vermont?

Most personal injury cases settle. At Larson & Gallivan, more than 9 out of 10 of our personal injury cases are settled without the need of going to court. The defendant who injured our client realizes they are liable, and their insurance company agrees to settle the dispute. A demand letter typically kicks off the …

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Jaywalking: Can You Receive Compensation?

Vermont has rules for pedestrians, including instructions for where people should cross a street. Typically, you should cross in a marked crosswalk or, if none is available, then in an unmarked crosswalk at the intersection. When you cross the street somewhere else, in violation of the law, then you are jaywalking. Jaywalking is certainly dangerous. …

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How Often Should You Hear from Your Personal Injury Lawyer?

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is a big step after an accident. Now you can focus on healing while an experienced attorney searches for evidence to use in your case and begins analyzing the law. By simply hiring a lawyer, you’ve dramatically increased your chances of receiving a fair settlement for all injuries. How often …

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Can You Sue for PTSD After Witnessing an Accident in Vermont?

In aVermont personal injury lawsuit, the plaintiff can seek compensation for any damages they sustained as a result of the defendant’s negligent acts. For example, if a reckless driver hits you and you suffer a broken arm, you can sue to recover the costs of your medical treatment and subsequent rehabilitation. It is also possible …

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Is a New York Auto Insurer Liable If You Slip and Fall Getting Out of a Car?

In New York, slip and fall accidents usually involvepersonal injury claims against property owners. Let’s say it is winter and you have just left the grocery store. There are a few inches of snow on the ground but the path into and out of the store appears clear. So you start to leave the store. …

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How to Avoid a Bicycle Accident

Cycling is great exercise, especially in the summer in New York. We often see families riding in a line on the side of the road. Others ride a bicycle as a low-cost method of transportation to get to school or work. Unfortunately, cycling is a risky activity, especially as traffic heats up in the summer …

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5 Complications with Vermont Slip and Fall Cases

Slip and fall cases leave many people with long-lasting injuries. At Larson & Gallivan Law, we have represented people who struggle with head and brain injuries, whiplash, and back injuries after falling to the ground. Some are disabled for years and cannot leave the house or ever return to work. These are serious and expensive …

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What is a Loss of Consortium Claim in Vermont?

Accidents transform lives. When someone is seriously hurt in an accident, they suffer a variety of losses, such as financial distress due to missing work or large medical bills to treat their injuries. The victim also suffers severe pain, frustration, and possibly depression or anxiety. Families are also impacted by an accident. For example, a …

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Can You Sue a Big Box Store?

Big box retailers dominate the retail industry, even in Warren County. Walmart, Target, Home Depot and other retailers have stores within driving distance of Glens Falls, and many people do weekly shopping at one or more of these businesses. With so much foot traffic, these mammoth retailers have more than their fair share of accidents. …

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Call Our Rutland, VT Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you’ve been seriously injured, our Rutland, VT personal injury law firm is here to provide you support, guidance, and representation as you seek damages. Please call us today for a free consultation. We can begin working on your case immediately.

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