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Category Archives: Workers Comp Benefits

Workers’ Compensation & the Vermont Transportation Industry

The transportation industry is one of the most dangerous in Vermont. Truckers and other drivers face hazardous weather and dangerous roads, not to mention other motorists who might be fatigued or chemically impaired. If you were injured while driving for a job, you can seek workers’ compensation benefits. You might also have the legal right …


Dairy Workers in Vermont Complain About Workplace Safety Issues

According to a report from Vermont Business Magazine, a group of dairy workers in Vermont are complaining about poor wages and unsafe working conditions. A study from the University of Massachusetts Amherst Labor Center—which was focused primarily on migrant laborers in the state’s dairy industry—found that 77 percent of employees surveyed had suffered a job …

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Vermont Implements 2024 Cost of Living Increase for Workers’ Compensation Recipients

If you are injured on the job in Vermont and unable to return to work for an extended period of time, you are entitled to receive certain disability benefits under workers’ compensation. This includes temporary total disability (TTD) and temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits. TTD benefits replace your wages if you are unable to work …

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What Medical Care Will Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Workplace accidents and injuries often leave workers in considerable pain. To get well, you need individualized medical attention from a licensed physician. Helpfully, Vermont requires that your employer’s workers’ compensation insurer cover all necessary and reasonable medical care. But what types of treatment is covered? Our Burlingtonworkers’ compensation attorneys look at some of the most …

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Can You Receive Workers’ Compensation if Injured Driving into Work?

Because Vermont is a rural state, many people drive an hour or more to get to work each day. All this time on the road increases the odds of a car crash, especially when snow and slush cover the road. One question we receive atLarson & Gallivan Law is whether these commuters can receive workers’ …

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Dispelling Six Myths About Workers’ Compensation Claims in Vermont

Were you or a loved one hurt while on the job in Vermont? You are far from alone. While every employee in our state deserves safe, fair working conditions, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that nearly 7,000 Vermonters are injured on the job each year. When a workplace injury or workplace illness forces …

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Can You Receive Workers’ Compensation for Toxic Exposure at Work?

Many workplaces have dangerous chemicals that a worker can inhale or absorb through their skin. These toxic chemicals may lead to serious diseases and illnesses.. The Vermont workers’ compensation system exists to help workers injured on the job. Fortunately, a toxic exposure at work will usually qualify for compensation. Larson & Gallivan Law stands ready …

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Vermont Estate Allowed to Proceed with Workers’ Compensation Claim Following Employee’s Death

Vermont’s workers’ compensation law provides certain benefits to the spouse and dependent family members of employees who die as the result of a work-related injury or illness. Typically, such claims must be submitted within six months of the employee’s death. But failure to meet this deadline may be excused if there is proof the employer …

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Are Seasonal Workers Eligible for Workers’ Compensation?

Many Vermont industries rely on seasonal workers to fill critical worker shortages during parts of the year. Many are hired to work on farms during the summer and fall, or they work in the tourist industry. Vermont is a destination for skiers and those enjoying the snow, so seasonal employment opportunities are as plentiful in …

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What to Expect When You Seek Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Vermont

Workplace injuries in Vermont can be disorienting and devastating. Nobody expects to get hurt on the job whether they are in a dangerous industry like construction or trucking, or involved in white-collar work in an office setting. Yet serious work injuries can happen in any type of workplace, and it is essential to find out …

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Call Our Rutland, VT Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you’ve been seriously injured, our Rutland, VT personal injury law firm is here to provide you support, guidance, and representation as you seek damages. Please call us today for a free consultation. We can begin working on your case immediately.

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