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Category Archives: Personal Injury

Can You Sue a Big Box Store?

Big box retailers dominate the retail industry, even in Warren County. Walmart, Target, Home Depot and other retailers have stores within driving distance of Glens Falls, and many people do weekly shopping at one or more of these businesses. With so much foot traffic, these mammoth retailers have more than their fair share of accidents. …

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How to Speed Up Your Settlement

At Larson & Gallivan Law, we settle most of our Vermont personal injury cases. Consequently, our clients can receive compensation without any need of attending a trial or testifying in open court. Settlement works for everyone involved, but it can take work to get there. At some firms, cases drag on for years, with no …

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What is a Failure to Mitigate Damages?

In New York, accident victims have a duty to mitigate their damages. What does this mean, and what steps should you take? A New York personal injury lawyer atLarson & Gallivan Law explains more in this article. Damages in Personal Injury Cases Our lawyers bring personal injury claims to obtain financial compensation for our clients. …

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Are Hip Fractures Serious Injuries?

Hip fractures are common injuries, especially for the elderly. But almost anyone can suffer a hip injury in a motor vehicle accident or slip and fall. Unfortunately, these injuries take time to heal and make life very difficult in the interim. In fact, a hip injury is enormously disruptive, costing patients thousands of dollars in …

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Can You Receive Compensation for a Burn Injury?

At Larson & Galivan Law, we meet with burn victims to discuss their injuries and how they are recovering. Unfortunately, burn injuries are some of the most consequential a person can suffer. Burns not only lead to serious complications, like infection or even amputation, but they also are expensive to treat. Burn victims and their …

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Were You Injured While Visiting Vermont? Hire a Local Lawyer

Vermont welcomes 13 million tourists each year to the state. People flock to Vermont year-round to enjoy time on the slopes or out on our lakes. The beautiful scenery and friendly people are definitely a draw. Some of these visitors even choose to spend the summer months vacationing in our communities. Unfortunately, some of these …

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Gas Station Accidents

Gas Station Accidents The average person probably visits a gas station at least two or three times a month. Unfortunately, some people end up picking up an injury along the way. Gas stations are often hectic, chaotic environments with dozens of vehicles pulling in and out and people racing inside to pay for gas or …

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Injuries at Home from Defective Products

People should feel safe in their homes. After a long day at work or school, many people feel grateful to finally come home and close the door on their stress. Sadly, the typical Glens Falls home also contains many hazards. From toppling bookcases to dangerous clothing and batteries, many products in your home can cause …

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Evidence for a Premises Liability Claim

Premises liability accidents leave our clients with difficult injuries, including head injuries, whiplash, back pain, and more. The good news is that Vermont law allows visitors to sue the property owner in many cases, especially where the owner invited them onto the property but did not ensure it was reasonably safe. To make a successful …

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5 Situations Where You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

At Larson & Gallivan Law, we meet with many people who tried in good faith to negotiate their own personal injury settlement. Maybe they got into a minor crash years ago and they handled the insurance claim themselves. They think it’s easy—a few forms to fill out and then, a week later, a check in …

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Call Our Rutland, VT Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you’ve been seriously injured, our Rutland, VT personal injury law firm is here to provide you support, guidance, and representation as you seek damages. Please call us today for a free consultation. We can begin working on your case immediately.

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