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Tag Archives: Vermont workers compensation attorney

Can I File a Lawsuit in Addition to Seeking Workers’ Compensation in Vermont?

Workplace accidents in Vermont can be devastating, resulting in debilitating injuries that require substantial medical care and many missed workdays and lost wages. After a workplace accident, one of the most important ways to seek compensation is to file a workers’ compensation claim. Yet you may be frustrated that you are only permitted to seek …

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Is There a Workers’ Compensation Death Benefit?

Work is one of the most dangerous places to be. Thousands of people are injured on the job, and about a dozen people lose their lives each year in Vermont while working. Losing a loved one to a work-related accident is painful. In addition to grief, many surviving family members are left with fears about …

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Understanding Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Disputes that may Arise

Someone injured at work might never be able to return to their job. However, with additional training or education, they might transition to a different job, either within their company or in a completely different field. This will allow them to return to work and begin supporting themselves. Vocational rehabilitation is an important workers’ compensation …

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How do Independent Medical Exams affect Workers’ Compensation Claims?

Vermont’s workers’ compensation laws allow injured workers to meet with a doctor of their choice for treatment. However, insurers are also allowed to send employees to be evaluated by a doctor of their choosing, called an Independent Medical Exam (IME). An IME Explained An IME is an evaluation for the purpose of providing an expert …

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Do You Qualify for Workers’ Compensation if You Work from Home?

You probably do. The workers’ compensation system covers many people who are telecommuting, either permanently or temporarily due to the COVID pandemic. To fully understand your rights under workers’ comp, you should schedule a meeting with a lawyer. Below, we dive deeper into the key considerations which determine whether you are covered. Are You a …

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Call Our Rutland, VT Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you’ve been seriously injured, our Rutland, VT personal injury law firm is here to provide you support, guidance, and representation as you seek damages. Please call us today for a free consultation. We can begin working on your case immediately.

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