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Category Archives: Workers Comp Laws

How Do They Determine the Amount of My Weekly Workers Comp Check in Rutland, VT?

In Vermont, the dollar amount of your weekly workers compensation check is determined by calculating your “Average Weekly Wage” and your “Weekly Compensation Rate.” There are very specific rules that determine how these amounts are calculated. What is Average Weekly Wage? The “Average Weekly Wage” or “AWW,” is your average gross wages prior to getting …

Can I Choose What Doctor I See for My Work-Related Injury in Vermont?

As a workers’ compensation lawyer in Vermont, my clients often ask me if they can visit their own doctor about their work-related injury. Of course, it’s only natural for us to want to turn to a doctor whom we know and trust. The answer, happily is YES, you can choose what doctor you see for …

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Worsening of a Degenerative Condition and Workers Comp in Vermont: Does It Apply to You?

Imagine that you have a preexisting condition, such as arthritis or degenerative disc disease, and it becomes worse as a result of the work you do. In legal terms, this situation is known as “degenerative aggravation” and the good news is — it’s covered by workers comp in Vermont. (Usually.) Arthritis is a common degenerative …

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How Workers Comp Works If You Have a Preexisting Condition in Vermont

Many people wonder if they can still get workers compensation in Vermont if they have a preexisting condition. As a workers comp attorney, I am asked this question fairly regularly. The answer is – yes. (Usually.) The existence of a preexisting condition does not bar a workers’ compensation claim. Aggravation, Flare Up or Continuation? Categorizing …

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New Workers Comp Law Helps With Psych Claims & PTSD in Vermont

A new workers compensation law in Vermont makes it easier for police officers, rescue workers, ambulance workers and firefighters to bring claims for work-related post-traumatic stress disorder. The same law also makes it easier for employees in traditionally high-stress jobs to bring workers compensation claims related to mental health. Workers Comp in Vermont: Psychological Claims …

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If you’ve been seriously injured, our Rutland, VT personal injury law firm is here to provide you support, guidance, and representation as you seek damages. Please call us today for a free consultation. We can begin working on your case immediately.

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