Motor vehicle accidents happen unexpectedly and unfortunately often. Many people are unsure of what to do in the aftermath of an accident, some might think it is smart to hire a car accident lawyer no matter what. Although there are instances where a lawyer is important, there are some cases where lawyers are overkill or even completely unnecessary.
When you don’t need to hire a lawyer
There are accidents where a lawyer might not be needed to resolve a dispute. Here are some examples of those cases.
- There were no real injuries from the accident – If an accident leaves your car dinged up
but you haven’t sustained injuries then you can probably work directly with your insurance company to get your car repaired.
- Insurance is just your thing – everyone knows how to buy insurance, but some people have dived in and learned the ins and outs of their insurance plans and what they cover. If you can learn how to use your insurance as well as buy it, you might not need a lawyer for your case.
- You caused the accident and have insurance – if you caused an accident and have insurance coverage, your insurance will most likely provide you with a defense attorney. If your insurance doesn’t provide a lawyer it would be recommended to hire one.
- It’s simply not worth the money – there are some car accidents that are small enough and don’t result in injury, that it might cost you more to hire a lawyer than you’ll make back from any settlement.
- Your claim is simple and clear cut – in some cases it is completely clear who is at fault and how the case will be resolved, in these situations a lawyer is probably not necessary.
So when do I need a lawyer?
There are certain circumstances where you will want to consult a lawyer after an accident. Here is a simple list to see if your accident requires a lawyer.
Liability is unclear and you don’t know how to figure out
what your claim is worth.
The insurance adjuster has asked you for old medical records or has given you a settlement offer that you feel is too low.
You are not confident in negotiating your claim yourself.
You have a claim of lost wages that is difficult to prove.
There are also circumstances where it is of the utmost importance to hire a lawyer.
The insurance companies offer is too low or, they denied your claim and you believe they are incorrect but they won’t reconsider.
There are extenuating circumstances that make your case more valuable ex. you are a single parent and cannot give care to your children due to an accident.
You are seriously injured with expensive medical bills or your injuries will cause significant medical bills over time.
Liability for the accident is unclear and you might not be at total fault .
The accident circumstances are complicated and need expert investigation.
You have been served a lawsuit by the other party.
In conclusion
Because every accident has completely different facts and outcomes, whether or not you need a lawyer is dependent on the specific situation. No matter what, it is good to do your research and get as much information as you can before making any decision. If you do feel you need a personal injury lawyer, please contact Rutland, VT car accident lawyer Larson & Gallivan Law PLC with any questions or concerns.