Riding a motorcycle after winter in Glens Falls can be extremely dangerous. Upstate New York gets a significant amount of snow, and roads are often slick and icy. Even on sunny days, recent snow or sleet could have left the roads quite dangerous. Whether you are traveling on I-87 or you are on a local road or highway in Glens Falls, it is critical to think about motorcycle safety given the temperatures and conditions. What can you do to avoid serious motorcycle accident injuries? Consider the following tips from our Glens Falls motorcycle crash lawyers.
Make Sure Your Motorcycle Has Been Properly Maintained
First, before you take your motorcycle out in harsh conditions, it is essential to make sure your motorcycle is ready for the road. According to Progressive Insurance, motorcycles are usually designed with “three-season riding” in mind, which means that motorcycles have factory “fluids and batteries suited to warmer weather.” Accordingly, if you want to ride your motorcycle safely, it is essential to get the bike ready. You may need to replace the battery with a battery designed for cold weather, and you may need to use a thinner oil.
Get Proper Motorcycle Gear for Cold Weather
The motorcycle safety gear you use during the warmer months may not necessarily be suited to cold-weather riding. Indeed, you will likely need to invest in additional safety gear for cold weather riding. You can be at risk of cold-weather injuries like frostbite or even hypothermia if you only wear the safety gear you rely upon during spring, summer, and fall. You will need insulated motorcycle gear and riding clothes. You might even want to invest in heated motorcycle gear, depending upon how often and how far you will be riding your motorcycle. It is also important to have a full-face helmet that has a defrost function to improve visibility during riding.
Avoid Riding in the Snow
Any vehicle can have trouble in the snow, but it can be particularly dangerous for a motorcycle. Indeed, as Progressive underscores, the traction on the roads is significantly worse for a motorcycle, and snow can result in a crash. If you can, avoid riding in the snow. Either wait to leave your house or pull over until the worst of a snow storm is over.
Adjust for Low Visibility and Icy Conditions
Snow can significantly reduce visibility — for motorcyclists and for other motorists. It is essential for motorcyclists to slow down significantly and to leave a greater distance both in front of and behind your bike to avoid collisions due to low visibility where a driver (or where you) cannot stop quickly. In addition, since roads are often icy, that greater following distance will help to reduce the likelihood of a collision in the event you or another driver hit a patch of ice.
Low visibility also means that it is more difficult for other car and truck drivers to see you. As such, it is important to make yourself as visible as possible. Have your lights on, and consider riding gear in a bright color that can be seen easily by a driver.
Contact a Motorcycle Crash Attorney in Glens Falls, New York
If you were injured in a motorcycle crash, one of our Glens Falls motorcycle accident lawyers can help. Contact Larson & Gallivan Law online today or call us at 518-862-8799.