Rutland, VT Criminal Defense Attorney
As a criminal defense attorney, I am here to stand with you and for you, to show prosecutors and judges that you are a human being entitled to respect and compassion. I believe civil rights and liberties have real meaning. They are not mere suggestions or formalities that can be skipped over and ignored.
Many people think of criminal law in stark terms—either guilty or not guilty. In reality, it is much more complex. There are a variety of possible crimes that could apply to any given situation, and a spectrum of possible resolutions. I am committed to thoroughly investigating your situation and partnering with you to get the best possible outcome. My defense work is focused on Addison and Rutland Counties. I have represented clients in both misdemeanor and felony cases, as well as related cases such as traffic tickets and relief from abuse hearings. I also practice family law (e.g. divorce, parentage, and child support), personal injury, and contract disputes.Call Our Rutland, VT Criminal Defense Attorney
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