• Larson & Gallivan Law Scholarship

    Larson & Gallivan Law awards an annual scholarship to a college-bound person who has found a way to overcome a particular challenge to get there. The scholarship is a $1,000 cash award to the recipient. The scholarship can be used for any year of a two-year or four-year college program.

    Most scholarships award past success or privilege. As a result, most scholarship applications seek information on high school grades, extra-curricular activities, leadership positions, and sports. The problem with these criteria is that they reward the students most eligible for other funds, scholarships and admission to privileged schools. Tristan Larson and Erin Gallivan recognize that we’ve been afforded particular benefits such as access to schools like Northeastern University, Harvard Law School, Lehigh University and HIllsdale College.

    Not everyone is so fortunate. As we make a mission of helping Vermonters recover from the hardest moments in their lives and live full and successful lives after accidents on the roads or in the workplace, we think it is important to recognize the value of overcoming injury and hardship. That’s why we’ve created a scholarship to give a little boost to students of all backgrounds, income brackets, and grades to continue their education.

    What we’re looking for: a student who has overcome a particular hardship to continue their education at a college level. Hardships might be injuries, poverty, abuse, racial or ethnic prejudice, learning challenges or even an earlier lackadaisical effort in school. We want to know what you’ve overcome, what school you’re going to, and what your family income is. That last is just because we want to help people for whom our little boost will make a difference.

    The application is open until June 15 annually, and we will make an award by July 15. Applicants need to write a 250-500 word statement on an obstacle they have overcome, and why they need the scholarship. The award will be a check made out to the applicant directly once we get confirmation the applicant has enrolled in either a two-year or four-year college degree program.

  • Please provide the name, title, phone number, and email for someone we can contact at a school you have attended in the last three years who knows you (principal, guidance counselor, faculty advisor, etc.). If you haven’t attended school that recently, let us know why and included some other reference.
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